
Bityard copy trade makes crypto contract trading easier

Recently, the price of Bitcoin, one of the mainstream cryptocurrencies in the market, reached $19,000. At the same time, Ethereum price also surpassed $600 last week. Even though the prices of most cryptocurrencies have declined slightly in recent days, the market is still crowded with traders and investors.

Fincy menambahkan 150 Talenta“Strategis” Setelah Mendapatkan Investasi sebesar 11 Juta USD


Setelah Fincy mendapatkan investasi USD 11 juta dari GBCI, tim Fincy Singapore akan meluncurkan rencana rekrutmen terbarunya. Fincy berharap dapat merekrut 150 talenta “strategis” di seluruh dunia untuk memperkuat konstruksi tim talenta global dan kemampuan pengembangan bisnis, lebih mengoptimalkan pengalaman pengguna, dan memenuhi permintaan pasar yang meningkat pesat dari Fincy.

Mr. Lip-Bu Tan, Chairman of Walden International, On the 20th Anniversary of SMIC & Its IPO in the STAR Market

Walden International

Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (“SMIC”) went public on the Sci-Tech Innovation Board (STAR Market) on 16 July. It took only 19 days for SMIC to gain regulatory approval, breaking the record for the STAR Market. The over-allotment option was fully exercised, thus raising a total of 53.2 billion yuan. Based on the issue price, SMIC’s market value will reach a record-setting 2

The W World Corp. Plans to be Listed on NASDAQ

W World Corp., a biopharmaceutical company, announces its intention to get listed on NASDAQ on 2020/2021, opening speech by Professor Dr. OUDOM, Chairman of the W World Corp, June 28, 2020 at 0:00 a.m., New York.

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